Decolonizing Solidarity | Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles - Clare Land

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The thinking and learning of many community members and activists about how to work in support of Aboriginal struggles has gone into this book, Decolonizing solidarity: Dilemmas and directions for supporters of Indigenous struggles.

At 6:00pm on 16 February 2017, Clare Land will present “Whiteness and Blackness in the Politics of Solidarity with Indigenous Struggles” at the Place, Politics and Privilege conference, Victoria University Conference Centre, Level 11, 300 Flinders St, Melbourne.

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The book was created in southeast Australia, but readers elsewhere will recognise the dilemmas explored and appreciate the directions offered. See what Linda Tuhiwai Smith (Aotearoa/NZ), Paul Kivel (antiracist educator, US), Damien Short (School of Advanced Study, UK) and Patta Scott-Villiers (Institute of Development studies, UK) have said about it.



  • Excellent… The book is written in a way that is accessible to a range of allies
    outside academic circles and speaks to real case studies which resonate with other contexts.
    Linda Tuhiwai Smith, author of Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples
  • Decolonizing Solidarity is a nuanced and insightful examination of the complexity and challenges of being an ally to Indigenous struggles. It serves as an excellent and much-needed guide for all of us working for, with, or on behalf of marginalized and disenfranchised communities.
    Paul Kivel, educator, activist and author of Uprooting Racism
  • A thoughtful and thought-provoking book. Both profound and practical, Clare Land poses vital questions to readers interested in solidarity and social change.
    Patta Scott-Villiers, Institute of Development Studies
  • In this excellent book, Land covers an exceptional breadth of issues with considerable aplomb. It is a provocative and lively read, rich with data that brings Indigenous voices to the fore. A hugely welcome contribution.
    Damien Short, School of Advanced Study


The book is based on interviews with 24 Aboriginal community members and non-Aboriginal activists, and includes what the author, Clare Land, has personally learned through her own activist work in southeastern Australia.

It includes inspirational flyers and documents created by people pursuing land rights, black power and sovereignty in southeast Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane), and their supporters.

Gary Foley, Tony Birch and Marjorie Thorpe provided direction and critical feedback for the research that went into the book. They are members of the political community that the work was created for. Robbie Thorpe is a key influence on the book.

Clare Land’s supervisor for the PhD the book draws on was the wonderful Bob Pease, pro-feminist activist and academic.


The book is published by Zed Books, a radical and scholarly publisher and workers cooperative in the UK.

Get the book at a book shop in Australia: Readings and the New International Book Shop (Melbourne) and Gleebooks and Jura Bookshop (Sydney).

Get the Kindle edition of the book from Amazon.